Monday, March 22, 2010

Welcome to my World of Food

Hello and welcome to my world of food.  I have decided to take on the challenge of writing a blog that will consist of my thoughts on the slow food movement, food preparation, equipment, and the dining scene of the Columbus, Indiana area.  It is my hope that the people who subscribe to this blog will find what I have to say informative and will inspire more people to the slow food movement.

A little background of myself.  I am a sole parent of a teenage boy and girl.  Their mother passed away two years ago and we have grown quite close.  I have always liked to cook but since the death of their mother, I have found I love to cook, create my own recipes, and enjoy food even more.  I have written a cookbook:  Remembered:  Our Life Through Food.  Currently, I am writing a second book that will out shortly. Through these experiences I have come into contact with the slow food movement.  For those who don't know what it is, it is a belief in cooking ones own food the traditional way and not using prepackaged ingredients.  That is using fresh vegetables, grass feed meats, make your own pasta and bread, and use organic food whenever possible. With the busy lifestyle I lead, I am not totally doing the slow food process, but I incorporate it as much as possible.  For those of you who wish to learn more go to

I am a firm believer in using locally produced ingredients as much as possible.I feel that one should support your local producers because, I feel, that the food tastes better than the mass produced ingredients found at the chain supermarkets.   I know that this type of food may cost a little more but the money is well spent and it remains in the local economy.  I love going to farmer's markets and I visit the local vegetable stands whenever I get the chance.  One can find wonderful produce for less than I can at the supermarkets, but it is seasonal and that is one of the drawbacks.  

I have also become more interested the type of cookware that I prepare my family's food in.  I have found the better the cookware, the easier it is to produce a wonderful dish.  I am interested in what goes into my family's stomach and what chemicals they eat that I may not want in them.  In a future blog I will blog about the type of cookware that I use.

Finally, I will blog about restaurants, diners, and small joints where I get my ingredients or eat in the Columbus area.  If I find a great place I want all of you to know about it.  If I find a place that is not so good, I want you to know about it too.  Because half the fun of cooking & eating is sharing it with friends.  Buon Appetito!

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